Saturday, December 8, 2007

Surgical Gratitude

I really need to make a better effort at this... *sigh*

  • I'm grateful my surgery went well and I was up and walking (even down and up stairs) Thursday night.
  • I'm grateful it was "only" a labral tear and not like my shoulder or knee--even though I was very surprised there wasn't any more damage this time!
  • I'm grateful that it appears I won't have to use the pain medications prescribed.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Prayer of Thanksgiving

I have MUCH to be grateful for this evening.
  1. I am grateful that Kevin kept his wits about him while I was losing mine.
  2. I'm grateful we all got out of the house (including Zoey and my 25 year old Snoopy)
  3. I'm grateful the fire department didn't give up when it "didn't feel right" and found the compressor on the fridge had caught fire instead of the light in the ceiling.
  4. I'm very very grateful that our home is intact and I'm (eventually, if I settle down) sleeping in my own bed tonight.
I need--something...

Fluffy feline furball therapy?
Retail therapy?


Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Season of Gratitude

Oops. It's been over a month since I last posted here. I need to make a better effort to post my paltry three things I'm grateful for, especially since it's Thanksgiving time.

I'm thankful for

  1. My gift/talent of writing. As a result of my blog/writing, I've connected with two old friends in the past week.
  2. Dreams (the sleeping kind). Thanks to a few dreams I've been having lately I've been able to hug my dad as well as talk to him and someone else I'm unable to talk to for reasons I'm not sure I get--but if they're what I think they are then it makes sense.
  3. My job. I love, love, LOVE my job--and the paycheck that comes with it!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Employment Gratitude

I'm grateful for:

  • A job that I enjoy doing
  • The constant variety of my workday
  • That I only work 17 hours a week (usually!)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Vacation Gratitude

I'm grateful for

  • The opportunity and capability of going on vacation
  • Making it to Indy safe and sound.
  • A nice hotel room with a comfortable bed (even if Kevin keeps the A/C on so low that I'm freezing my toes off!)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Random Gratiitude

Gratitude for:

  1. People who change or grow up and become, well, better human beings.
  2. All the second chances I've had over the years (and some third, fourth, or even fifth).
  3. Have I mentioned I'm grateful for Zoey?

Thursday, August 30, 2007


  1. I'm extremely grateful that Zoey was strong enough to beat the Distemper.
  2. I'm also extremely grateful that she doesn't appear to be too traumatized by spending more days at the vet than she did at home that first week.
  3. I'm so grateful that she is such a cuddler and a lovey kitty.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


It's hard to feel anything near gratitude today but I'll try.
  1. I'm grateful Turbo and Zoey knew/know that they are loved and wanted, even for a brief amount of time.
  2. I'm grateful the vet was/is willing to try.
  3. I'm grateful that I am capable of loving someone/thing so much that I'm willing to do anything for them.
It still hurts worse than anything I've ever experienced in my life other than my dad.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Random Gratitude

No theme today...

I'm grateful for
  1. Sunshine
  2. Rain
  3. A comfortable bed at night (even if it did take more than a month to get used to!)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Gratitude for Greg

  1. His willingness to help around the house

  2. Always wanting to do the right thing

  3. His strength (moral, spiritual, emotional)

I have an awesome son.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


  1. I may be whining but I'm thankful my boys have their own cars--I don't have to take them everywhere anymore!!!!
  2. I'm thankful *I* have a somewhat decent vehicle.
  3. I'm thankful Kevin finally got his truck.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm Back

I know. It's been...what, six weeks? since I've had a gratitude blog entry. I've actually had a lot of things/experiences in those six weeks that I'm eternally grateful for.

If you don't read my other blog, my dad passed away on the 1st of July. This has been the most emotionally challenging time of my life but I'm taking it day-by-day.


  1. I'm extremely grateful that I got to spend a week uninterrupted with my dad.

  2. I'm extremely, extremely grateful that I was able to keep my wits about me as I played my dad's favorite hymns (and spoke) during his funeral--at least until I was finished.

  3. I'm extremely grateful that Kevin was my rock during this time. He was loving, kind, patient, and literally (not just figuratively) supported me emotionally, spiritually, and even physically throughout this rough time. I was truly blessed.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


  1. Bottled water
  2. Filet Mignon, medium
  3. A good honey mustard dressing
Remember, I'm just trying to be grateful for something....

Friday, June 8, 2007


Yikes! I'm slowing down...

Changing my outlook from pessimistic to being grateful is definitely something that doesn't happen overnight. I want to write something every day... Since this is really for me anyway... Then again, knowing that other people drop by to see if I'm keeping it up on a daily basis is good for me because then I have more than just the one reason to do it...

  1. I'm grateful that my dad was always there when I desperately needed him.
  2. I'm grateful that my dad was a virtual encyclopedia of knowledge when (again) I needed him to be.
  3. I'm grateful I've had my dad as long as I've had him.

(Photo Credit: Jonathan Long, 2006)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Gratitude For...

  1. my LMT
  2. my chiropractor
  3. medical insurance

Sunday, June 3, 2007

3 June

This Sunday I am thankful for

  1. My own gift of music
  2. The ability to enjoy others' music
  3. Music--period.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

June 2nd

I'm thankful for
  1. A roof over my head
  2. Food in my cupboards
  3. Running water

Friday, June 1, 2007

Gratitude: June

Can a person actually be thankful for a month?
  1. 10 June--Alex's 18th birthday.
  2. 21 June--Our 10th wedding anniversary
  3. 29 June--Kellie's 14th birthday.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Grateful for Alex

Cool idea--Theme entries!
  1. I'm thankful Alex is graduating with honors.
  2. I'm thankful he has a presidential scholarship to USU.
  3. I'm thankful he knows what he wants to do with his life--Physics.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My First Gratitude Entry

Well, here you go... My attempts at focusing on the positive in my life.

  1. I'm thankful the Jazz got as far as they did in the playoffs; especially since they weren't expected to go very far in the first place.

  2. I'm thankful my left knee doesn't hurt like my right knee does.

  3. I'm thankful for Neeki and her ever present encouragement.